Several Vehicles Caught Fire at Rivian’s Illinois Factory Over the Weekend


While it’s true that EVs don’t catch on fire at a higher rate than gas vehicles, it’s also true that they are exceptionally difficult to extinguish when they do go up in flames. Rivian recently saw several recently-completed vehicles catch fire at its factory in Normal, Ill., which damaged many vehicles but didn’t result in injuries.

The fire happened in a parking lot on the facility’s north side. It didn’t damage the factory, but photos appear to show dozens of vehicles quarantined due to the fire. Rivian hasn’t detailed the number of models damaged in the fire.

Earlier this year, Rivian closed the plant for a few weeks to retool and cut production costs and temporarily halted deliveries of its Amazon delivery vans due to a parts shortage, so the fire could not have come at a more inopportune time. Even so, Rivian said it expects to catch up from the Amazon stoppage and will recover missed production time.

Rivian has received positive reviews from owners, but its electric vehicles are pricey, putting them out of reach for a large portion of buyers. The company plans smaller, more affordable models in the upcoming R2 and R3 vehicles, but it has to stay afloat until they arrive sometime in 2026. Rivian partnered with Volkswagen to share technology and designs, which will infuse it with cash in the short term, but VW has placed performance benchmarks that must be met before further investment is available.

[Images: Rivian]

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