QOTD: Will Chinese Automakers Eat Everyone’s Lunch?


qotd will chinese automakers eat everyone s lunch

I just finished reading a piece that’s been bouncing around the Internet for a few days now.

Inside EVs sent automotive journalist Kevin Williams to the Beijing Auto Show, and Williams walked away feeling like Chinese automakers are, generally speaking, building cars that could come to the States and immediately steal plenty of buyers from American, European, Japanese, and Korean automakers.

Williams said he saw plenty of Chinese models, mostly EVs, which appear to be better than the vehicles on offer from Western and other Asian automakers in terms of quality and infotainment tech.

To be fair, the story, while well thought-out and nuanced, is William’s take — he might not be correct in his prediction. But he does take into account the geopolitics at play here and takes a insightful look at the market. His take is that non-Chinese automakers are building products that aren’t on par with the Chinese, and that could be a big problem for those automakers.

It’s a far cry from the days that Chinese automakers were dismissed as building poorly-made copycats of vehicles sold by legacy automakers. Those days weren’t that long ago.

I am curious what your thoughts are. Are Chinese cars about ready to come to other markets and do what the Japanese did decades ago? Or are they being helped in their home market by the government? Is the answer somewhere in between?

Before you answer, go read the story. It’s worth your time.

Since this QOTD will touch on politics, I will once again ask you to play nice in the comments. The banhammer is ready.

With that said, you may now sound off below.

[Image: BYD]

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