QOTD: What’s The Best Song About Driving?


qotd what s the best song about driving

Over the weekend I trekked out to my parent’s house for Easter. It’s an hour’s drive, minimum, and the return trip took almost double that due to rain and, according to Apple Maps, an accident on the interstate.

I make the trip a fair amount, and I also visit friends or attend personal/professional appointment in the suburbs often. This, plus the airport runs for the travel this job requires, plus the occasional drive to Detroit for events, plus the fact that I can’t adequately test a vehicle if it’s just sitting in the garage — this means I drive a lot.

Thinking about that reminded me of the song by the late Eddie Rabbit — ” Drivin’ My Life Away.” Now, to be clear, I am not necessarily complaining. I enjoy driving. I enjoy getting paid to drive a brand-new car across some awesome roads in some scenic locale so I can bring you all a first drive.

But still, the song popped into my head. Which got me thinking about the best songs about driving.

This is not to be confused with the best songs to listen to while driving — we’ve done that question, or variations thereof, before. We likely will again, since it’s good to check in on the pulse of the culture now and again.

No, this is about songs that specifically reference driving. Like the Eddie Rabbit song. Or the Alabama song about trucking. Or a huge part of Jan and Dean’s catalog (the Beach Boys, too, obviously). What is the best song about the act of getting in a car, truck, or semi-truck and driving from point A to point B?

Sound off below.

[Image: Sinelev/Shutterstock.com]

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