QOTD: How Do You Spot Cars When Watching a Movie?


Earlier this week I streamed the “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.” As a movie, it's fine — it's a nice mix of humor, nostalgia/fan service, and car chases.

It's also the type of movie that makes for good car spotting, if you look closely.

This is particularly true relatively early in the movie when Axel Foley's (Eddie Murphy) investigation of a crime takes him to an impound yard. This being Beverly Hills, we got a shot of Axel surrounded by a bunch of high-priced exotic cars.

That said, there's some interesting iron in the background, and Foley tools around Beverly Hills in a beat-up old Ford Bronco from the '90s.

A lot of movies make for great car spotting, especially action movies that involve chase scenes. So I wanted to ask you folks how, when a movie gives you the opportunity, how are you spotting cars?

Are you pausing the DVR, rewinding, really checking things out? Or do you catch a glimpse of something and just know what make and model it is?

Or do you not care? Sure, you may be a car enthusiast but maybe you're too focused on the plot/story/acting to care about the vehicles being shown? Or maybe you just don't notice?

You know what to do. Sound off below.

[Image: Stock-Asso/Shutterstock.com]

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