QOTD: How Do You Avoid Sunglass Polarization?


This is a QOTD about polarization. Thankfully, not political polarization.

No, no, not that. It’s late summer and it’s sunny a lot. I, like most drivers, wear sunglasses often while behind the wheel. I also test a lot of cars, and sometimes the polarization of my glasses can blur out gauges or control screens.

So, I ask of you, how do you avoid this in your own life?

Is it as simple as just using a certain brand of shades? Is this something you think of when car shopping, so you use reviews to avoid it (I bet you Smile States readers think about this)? Do you not care at all? Do you have another tip or trick? Or do you just raise your glasses and risk a few extra seconds of distracted driving?

You know what to do. Sound off below.

[Image: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.com]

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