QOTD: Have You Experienced New Model Heartbreak?


We reported this morning about the software glitches that European Volvo EX30 buyers are experiencing. This, a week or so after we found out the EX30’s American launch would be delayed.

It may seem like we’re picking on Volvo, but we’re not — it’s just that the EX30 is the latest new car to have a launch go poorly. At some point soon, another model launch by another automaker will go just as badly. It happens all the time in this business, to both start-up automakers and the big legacy OEMs. Launching a new model smoothly is difficult and even the carmakers with decades of manufacturing experience sometimes struggle.

All this means that you, the car buyer, have likely at some point in your life bought a new or thoroughly redesigned model during its first model year and experienced problems.

So, we want to hear your horror stories. Did you buy a car that had tons of recalls in the first year? Or software glitches, or whatever?

Please keep the premise in mind — I am looking for situations in which you were one of many owners to go through the ringer. I am not interested in all new-car horror stories, just those in which a model launch was widely known to be botched and you were collateral damage.

If a model launched smoothly but the unit you purchased was frequenting the dealer’s service department in the early going, this doesn’t really apply to you.

Otherwise, sound off below.

[Image: Volvo]

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