Hertz Offers Custom Vehicle Wraps on Rentals



Hertz will custom wrap a rental vehicle to mark an occasion or celebration, a program that appears to be available throughout their system in locations across the U.S.


We have no idea exactly how custom their wraps are, as Hertz shows several examples on a dedicated microsite. It will, however, allow you to tailor a personalized message for a themed anniversary, engagement, bachelor party, trip to Las Vegas, or several other occasions, including moving.


The information Hertz provided was vague, so we’re not sure whether this is a promotion that they’re planning to initiate when or if they get sufficient interest from the motoring public, or if it is already in place, and they have certain vehicles earmarked as wrap recipients that are fairly common throughout their rental fleet.


It would seem to make sense and be more cost-effective if Hertz standardized the number of wraps they offer, and the vehicles you could rent that are wrapped. In this manner, they could have two dozen or more themes, all of which fit a Chevy Tahoe or Ram Promaster van for example, and simply print out the personalized message on the existing wraps, sent to a rental location from their corporate office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or a few vendors from around the country, to cut shipping costs and time.

From the images we were able to obtain from Hertz, the coverage of these wraps appears large enough that they’re not just a couple of stickers on the doors and maybe the windows. They show front and rear views that are also wrapped, which would indicate they are doing full wraps. This would mean they either needed to train their existing staff at all or many rental locations how to install wraps, or it’s being done on a contract basis by outside companies who perform these installations on a regular basis. Either way, it’s not easy and requires a certain amount of skill and manual dexterity to wrangle and install large sections of printed vinyl onto the vehicle’s surface.

Oh, and there was no mention of what it costs either.

[Images: Hertz]

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