Survey: Most People Are Uncomfortable With Sharing Their Driving Data


survey most people are uncomfortable with sharing their driving data

At this point, it’s no secret that connected cars collect an alarming amount of data on the people who own and drive them, but a recent survey found that almost nobody is happy about it. Insurance app company Jerry surveyed 1,300 drivers and found that 78 percent are either uncomfortable or extremely uncomfortable with their car’s maker collecting their data.

The vast majority – 96 percent – said that they should own and control the data their vehicle collect, but automakers have a different idea. That data, which can include location, driving habits, and other tidbits, can be used to sell subscriptions and tailor vehicle services to individual drivers. Studies have shown that automakers are “terrible at privacy and security,” however, and drivers are rightfully skeptical of how the information is being used.

survey most people are uncomfortable with sharing their driving data

General Motors got into trouble for working with a data broker to sell driver data to insurance companies, and most people are deeply uncomfortable with the idea that their data could be given to law enforcement without their consent or knowledge. Some even said they’d avoid taking sensitive trips in their vehicle if they felt that information could be sold and used.

Everything in our lives, from cell phones to connected refrigerators, collects data on us, so what’s the problem with giving up a little bit more? The number of ways automotive data could be used maliciously or to create corporate revenue streams is nearly endless, so this might be one area where it’s best to push back against data collection. That’s also before we get into data security and privacy issues, which automakers have shown are not their strong suits.

survey most people are uncomfortable with sharing their driving data

[Images: Tesla, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz]

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