Housekeeping: A Reminder About Used Car of the Day


housekeeping a reminder about used car of the day

I keep seeing comments — and not just from one particular individual — that suggest that not everyone fully understands the Used Car of the Day format, its purpose, and how I select the cars I do.

So let’s do some learning.

Let’s start with what the feature is not — it’s NOT a chance for the site, or me personally, to make money from a sold car. I make no money on any sales and I have no idea if our forums take a cut. I don’t care if someone buys a featured car or not.

The purpose of the feature is to feature cars I think you, the B and B, would find interesting. Even if they are junkers that aren’t running. Like yesterday’s non-running diesel Merc. A two-year-old Camry in OK shape isn’t interesting. A rare car that’s a project? Interesting. A pristine IROC Camaro? Interesting.

I use an automated database that updates daily with new listings, and some days are better than others. Somedays, pickings are slim. So please bear with us.

It’s also meant to be separate from Junkyard Finds and Rare Rides. JFs are cars that are about to be crushed and the Rare Rides feature is all about the overview of a specific make and model, with a lot of detail on its history. UCOTD is about cars people own that you can buy.

Finally, the other purpose of the feature is to introduce the forums our parent company runs to youse guys. We hope that you’ll browse around and maybe become a member if applicable.

We aren’t trying to sell the cars or give you agita. If a car doesn’t appeal to you, scroll on by. Some days we’ll have a better pick than others — it just depends on what’s on sale and how well I judge your tastes.

It’s a fun feature — not something meant to give anyone heartburn. So let’s have some fun and talk about some of the cool cars that are out there in folks’ driveways and garages.

Ok? OK!

[Image: hodim/]

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