Updated: Test Drive a New Chevy Equinox EV in Los Angeles and Get a Free Erewhon Smoothie


Social media is packed with people showing off their luxurious lives in coastal California, and the ridiculously overpriced Erewhon grocery store chain has become a darling of people with cash to burn. Chevy seems to think those people are the perfect target for its latest Equinox EV marketing ploy, with the automaker giving free bottles of Erewhon’s viral almost-$20 smoothie to anyone who test drives the new vehicle at one of the chain’s L.A.-area stores.

Erewhon created a “limited-edition wellness beverage” called Equinox EV Electric Juice for the promotion. It joins the store’s other smoothie flavors, such as Hailey Bieber’s Strawberry Glaze Skin Smooth, Coconut Cloud Smooth, and Malibu Mango. While we’re down the rabbit hole of health foods, we should note that the Electric Juice smoothie has chocho from the Andes Mountains, a nutrient-rich legume, and blue spirulina, giving the beverage its electric-blue color.

Chevy rightfully believes that Southern California is an important market for its EVs, and targeting buyers at the region’s highest-end grocery stores is a smart move that will likely reach the right people. That said, the move won’t do much to dispel perceptions that EVs are elitists’ vehicles, primarily purchased by better-than-thee nose-thumbing finance bros.

Despite that, the Equinox EV’s price tag is more aligned with the middle class. It currently starts at around $35,000, including destination, as the long-promised affordable base model landed for the 2025 model year, making it one of the cheapest new EVs on sale today. Saving that much money on an EV purchase might be the only way most people would consider spending $20 on a smoothie.

[Images: Chevrolet]

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