Some Tesla Owners Report Dog Mode Failures


some tesla owners report dog mode failures

Tesla has introduced a long list of weird, questionably useful features over the years, but Dog Mode is one that other automakers could take a lesson from. The tech uses EV batteries to control the interior temperature while the owner is away, keeping dogs and pets comfortable in hot weather. Unfortunately, a recent software update has led some owners to report that Dog Mode no longer works in their cars, with two people taking to social media to complain.

Dog Mode can hold a Tesla’s cabin temperatures at safe, comfortable levels for pets, and the vehicle displays a message on the infotainment screen to let people know the owner isn’t killing their animals. Update 2024.20.1 brought changes to the system, with at least two owners stating that the cabin temperature was not stable. The vehicle sent alerts to owners’ smartphones so the pets weren’t left unattended for an extended period of time.

some tesla owners report dog mode failures

One of the owners posted a response from Tesla’s service team to Reddit, which advised them that it was investigating the issue and to avoid using Dog Mode until further communication. 

If you own a Tesla and rely on Dog Mode to keep your pet cool and comfy in the summer heat, it’s best to avoid using the feature until the automaker can release a patch or update. Dog Mode allows some temperature variance when in use, but a complete failure could yield heartbreaking consequences.

some tesla owners report dog mode failures

[Images: Irina P Havich and Flystock via Shutterstock]

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