QOTD: Does It Make Sense for Elon Musk to Endorse Donald Trump?


It’s a brief topic on our podcast today, but I have to wonder why the head honcho at an automaker that solely makes EVs is endorsing the presidential candidate whose administration will most likely be less favorable towards the technology should he win.

To be clear, I am coming at this purely from a business and policy perspective. Musk may have other reasons to support Donald Trump over Joe Biden (or should Biden drop out, an as yet unknown Democrat). And one thing I’ve learned about politics is that sometimes we support a candidate for one reason or another but that same candidate would disagree with us on certain policies. I know I once supported a candidate who I disagreed with on a lot of issues because he promised to clean up corruption, for example.

But Musk has to know that a Democratic administration almost certainly would be more friendly to his EV business than a Republican one would. And yes, this is very cynical of me, but I suspect that corporate head honchos tend to consider their business interests over their personal ideologies. Then again, Musk has sometimes gone against that particular grain.

Yes, this is a political QOTD during a week chock full of political news — including a response to the attempted shooting of Trump that has been, at least in some quarters of social media, as divisive as ever. So please, please, please place nice down below. Stick to the topic and don’t insult each other. The banhammer is ready and I do check the comments during the weekends.

So with that in mind, sound off below.

[Image: photosince/Shutterstock.com]

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