QOTD: Are Cars Finally Getting Cheaper?


Some cars appear to be getting their base prices sliced for 2025.

The 2025 Chevrolet Blazer is starting at a lower price. Nissan is holding the line with the 2025 Nissan Leaf. Mazda is lowering the price for the 3 and BMW is offering discounts.

Are these minor blips or are average transactions prices going to fall as OEMs see that perhaps the average buyer is priced out of the new-car market?

Pricing is always a fluid story — things can, and do, change a lot from month-to-month or week-to-week. So it’s always dangerous to take a small sample size and extrapolate. Still, it’s a fun thought exercise. Besides, predictions are just that — people will understand if you make a prediction that doesn’t pan out.

So, what say you?

Sound off below.

[Image: Nissan]

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