Mercedes to Install 400kW Chargers At Starbucks Locations


Electric vehicle charging speeds are a hot topic of conversation, with many people wanting EVs that can quickly recover range. Some new EVs promise charging speeds that can provide meaningful range numbers during a quick stop for a bathroom break or coffee. Mercedes’ recent announcement means that customers of one of the nation’s most famous coffeehouses will have the opportunity to put those promises to the test.

The German automaker said it would partner with Starbucks to install 400kW EV chargers at Starbucks locations along Interstate 5 on the West Coast. This would bring chargers to more than 100 Starbucks locations nationwide, but they will begin along the I-5 corridor.

Mercedes has invested billions in its charging network, currently offering locations in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The automaker will expand its charging network to include locations in almost half the country over the next year and a half, which will bring up to 10,000 chargers in the U.S. and other countries.

It might seem silly for a major automaker to partner with a coffee chain, but more chargers in high-traffic locations are what’s needed to make EV ownership reasonable. In my small Maine town, the main public charger is a slow 50kw unit at a busy grocery store and is often down or occupied, so I’d jump at the opportunity to charge at the nearby Starbucks.

[Images: Minh K Tran, Stellar Curiosity, and BarthFotografie via Shutterstock]

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