Ontario Hiking Speed Limits on Major Highways


News from the Great White North: the province of Ontario is increasing speed limits on its major highways to 110 km/h (~70 mph). Road safety groups are surely firing up their press machines, gearheads are nodding in agreement, and most drivers will probably continue driving 20 over the limit like they always do.

Until now, most major highways (called the 400-series roads) in Ontario were limited to 100 km/h or about 60 mph save for a few sections which were increased to today’s blanket speed limit some spell ago. Politicians are saying the change will “fight gridlock on our roads, reduce travel times, and allow people to spend less time commuting and more time at home with their families.” You won’t get any argument from us.

Will adding 10 mph to the network save time on anyone’s commute? That’s tough to say, of course. Wide swaths of roads like the notoriously clogged 401 are at a standstill, while other stretches of highway which enjoy lighter traffic regularly see speeds in excess of the posted limit anyway. The biggest question we have is if the local police forces are going to step up patrols in a bid to make sure people are sticking to the new 110 km/h limit, despite the fact everyone was already going 130+ anyway. Whether we see more drones with hellfire missiles policing the roadway or continue to see an indifferent raised eyebrow from the cops remains to be seen.


The southern part of Ontario – and its capital of Toronto, specifically – have been mired in heavy traffic for ages, a topic which has actively become fodder for debate in the halls of power. It has also become a subject of derision, with even famous people like Tom Cruise and Wil Ferrell chiming in on the state of things during visits to the city. In one incident this past summer, singer Niall Horan ditched his ride and walked to his own concert at Scotiabank Arena after being stuck in traffic for an interminable amount of time.

[Images: AAA]

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