QOTD: Do You Want to See Ads in Your Car?


Once again, we’re covering an automaker working on putting ads in your car.

This time, it’s Ford.

Not only did Ford file a patent for showing you ads in your car, these ads would be targeted.

So, that sets up an obvious question — would you want to see ads in your car?

I am going to bet that most of you do not. I do not, that’s for sure. I can handle ads in certain situations — I don’t mind seeing ads on my TV or streaming services, in exchange for paying less for cable/streaming. I don’t mind seeing ads on Web sites — I know that’s how sites make money (obviously, that applies to TTAC). I can even live with ads on sports-team jerseys, if they’re small and subtle.

But there’s a difference between using ads to pay for costs/make a bit of profit and an actual outright cash grab. Not to mention that while I am good with ads in certain contexts, I want a break from them. It’s one thing to hear audio ads when listening to the radio or Pandora/Spotify — but I don’t need to have ads intrude on my driving experience any further than that.

Maybe disagree. Maybe you don’t. Either way, you know what to do.

Sound off below.

[Image: Ford]

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