Housekeeping: Happy Fourth of July 2024


As you know, tomorrow is the day in which we celebrate our nation's birth by blowing up a small part of it (thanks again, The Simpsons, for that wonderful quote).

So we'll be taking the day off to celebrate America's independence by grilling, shooting off fireworks, whatever. I personally am not going to set off fireworks — not really safe where I live — but I will be watching as others do. I might fire up the grill, too.

Friday is a trickier day for us. Technically it's not a corporate holiday for us, but it is a Friday after a holiday and before a weekend. So we'll be around, but our article output is likely to be low.

So enjoy the Fourth. Don't drink and drive, don't blow off any body parts with fireworks (it really is best to leave them to the pros), be safe in general, and we'll see you on Monday.

Enjoy the holiday, everyone.

[Image: Mimi Ahmed BIthi/]

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