Here’s How You’d Fix Cadillac


Here at TTAC, we ask you a question of the day just about every day. Sometimes, we go back and look up the answers you provided.

So, one thing we'll do here and there — we'll go back and grab a small sample of your answers from a previous QOTD and list them here. Sometimes we'll go back a bit — today's is from a couple months back — and sometimes it might be from the previous day.

With that bit of background out of the way, here's how you folks in the B and B would fix Cadillac. There were over 140 comments on the original post, so I've grabbed just a few here.

We'll let MaintenanceCosts start us off: “(1) Crash program to redesign all of the interiors, now, to banish all evidence of cost-cutting and have at least as much flash as current Mercedes.

(2) XT6 gets the 3.0T engine. Both XT6 and XT5 get an Acura-style AWD system that will make them stop feeling so much like front-drivers.

(3) XT6, XT5, and CT5 all get a restyle along the lines of the '89 restyle of the DeVille and co. – that is, add length even with overhang if you have to, add swagger, add fancy.

(4) New platform for large unibody SUVs, either electric or hybrid, to compete straight across with the top two Range Rover models. If they are going to be a real luxury brand they need SUVs more refined than the Escalade. Keep selling the Escalade alongside the new ones for the existing cigarette-boat audience.

(5) XT4 and CT4 get put out of their misery, or maybe brought back as Buicks.

In reply to that post, Philip Precht wrote: “And, get rid of the stupid names of letters and/or numbers. Get back to using names, like DeVille, Eldorado, etc. People do NOT remember the letters or numbers, but they remember the names!!!!”

The presence of alphanumeric names across the line were a popular punching bag. From Tane94: “Model names from the past are not the answer. Cadillac is still recovering from the New York Joe deNysche error. What is Cadillac's identity? It walked away from its Standard of Excellence image long ago. Is it Electric Luxury? European Luxury built here? luxury performance? I don't know. Is all-electric models by 2030 still the goal?”

Of course, that's as much a complaint as it is a solution. Outside of changing the naming convention, other solutions to fixing Caddy's woes included dropping prices, cutting dealers, and, uh, time travel. One solution I saw? Aim for younger buyers.

Commenter Lorenzo spells it out: “You can't sell an old man's car to a young man, but you CAN sell a young man's car to an old man (pardon the sexism, it's not my quote). Solution: Young man styling, but old man amenities, hidden if necessary, like easier entry/exit (young men gradually turn into old men, and will appreciate them).”

And circling back to pricing, commenter Glennbk writes: “First, Cadillac no longer has brand cache. And as such, the prices need to drop. Second, reliability. Cadillac doesn't have that either. Dedicate GM funds to re-design the High Value Engines. Third, interiors are too gimmicky. Take a step back and bring back more buttons and less black plasti-chrome. Forth, noise isolation. These are supposed to be luxury cars, but sound like a Malibu inside.”

You'll notice that the interior was a constant theme throughout the comments. Glennbk mentioned it, and so did Klkrause: “I've thought that Cadillacs have at least been decent looking for the last decade or more, but their interiors have been quite lacking. The build quality and materials used in the interior seem like slightly upgraded Chevrolets instead of in the class of Audi, BMW, or Lexus. If I'm paying a premium for a luxury brand I expect to feel 'pampered' when I'm driving or sitting in it.”

Commenter Larry wants luxury, period, to return: “Bring back the Cadillac luxury, the Cadillac “float” ride suspension and beautiful plush interiors that always separated it from the rest, even Lincoln Town Cars did not measure up.

I have an xt4. While a beautiful design, there is no LUXURY, the ride is hard with a stiff suspension, there is a no name poor sounding sound system, ugly cheap wheels and more unflattering features. This 2023 doesn't come close to my old 1980 Fleetwood Broughm or even my 1994 Sedan Deville.”

A few of you mentioned competing brands like Genesis or Lincoln as benchmarks.

Fixing Cadillac is a complex task, but perhaps the combined efforts of you commenters could get it done. Thanks, as always, for answering our questions.

[Image: Cadillac]

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