QOTD: How Important is Smartphone Mirroring to You?


Earlier this week we reported about a study that showed approximately a third of car buyers would not buy a new car without smartphone mirroring — meaning with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto.

The study came from controversial firm McKinsey and Company — a consulting firm that has often found itself embroiled in scandals and criticized for being, uh, morally casual* with its ethics and ideas. If you’ve ever read about the Enron failure you’ll see McKinsey played a starring role in that debacle.

But I digress. Let’s put McKinsey’s reputation aside and assume that this study is reliable. We found it reliable enough to report on, after all. The numbers make sense — my purely anecdotal experience seems to back the findings. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are nice features that have a broad appeal.

*Thanks “Animal House” for that great phrase.

Some of you are in the market for a new car. So I ask of you — how important is it for you that automakers offer these features? Remember, GM is saying it will take the option away on EVs soon. Would that make you less likely to buy a GM EV?

What say you?

Sound off below.

[Image: Infiniti]

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