Ford Lightning Orders Open Next Week



A report from one of our corporate parent’s forums suggests that orders for the Ford Lightning may open up next week, on October 26.

That’s based on a message left to a forum user by a Ford salesperson.

Here’s the message in full:

“Good afternoon <reservation holder>, this is <salesperson> with <dealership>. I just found out that the F-150 Lightning order bank is scheduled to open on 10/26. At that point we will be able to convert reservations to orders an actually build out your truck. I’m looking forward to it. While reservations are time stamped, when we submit the order still matters. Feel free to call me with any questions at <phone number>. I will reach out when we get a little closer to see about scheduling an appointment to get together and build your truck. Have a great day.”

These things are always worth taking with a grain of salt — how do we know this isn’t made up by the user? If it is real, how do we know the salesperson isn’t mistaken or lying? — but if it is real, well, that means the Lightning strikes (sorry) your fancy, you can put your order down in less than seven days.

The build and price configuration tool may also go live on the company’s consumer Web site around that same time — it would have to, really, in order for consumers to spec the truck how they’d like. Keep an eye on Ford’s site.

[Image: Ford]

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